"Its bikes like the Ouroboros that give me hope. It’s a bit kooky, unlike most other products on the market, and ultimately fills a small niche in a way others don't. It’s bikes like this that made Kona cool.”
Cooper Quinn at NSMB has been riding the Ouroboros CR for a while now, he's actually had this one since one before Sea Otter. Well he's just published his long term thoughts on the bike up on NSMB and its safe to say Cooper get the Ouroboros and everything we set out to achieve with this bike. You can find Coopers first look HERE, and the full review HERE.
"I started off here saying it took me a while to wrap my brain around the Ouroboros, but perhaps I’ve overthought the whole thing. Maybe it actually is simple, and the Ouroboros just does what it says on the tin: it’s a bike that tries to capture a little bit of several worlds, a blend of gravel, mountain, and ATB rolled into one. A bike that’s inherently imperfect at any single ride type, but ultimately perfect for rides that nothing else would quite work for. It’s a bike that expands the terrain available for you to on your drop bar rides, and increases the radius of available trails from your doorstep.” Cooper Quinn